29 May 2023, 6:30 pm - 29 May 2023, 9:00 pm

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The KPCC Annual General Meeting is on Monday, 29th May 2023 at Auluba Clubhouse, 6:30pm for a 7pm start.

At the AGM, all committee positions are declared vacant. Nominations for positions may be sent prior to the meeting, up until 26th May 2023, to [email protected]. Nominations may also be made on the night.

We always appreciate any help you can give, if you’d like to volunteer, then let us know or come along to the AGM to find out more. KPCC committee positions are listed on our website. There are several smaller non committee roles.
We are especially looking for people to assist with the following

  • Junior Cricket coordination - our Junior teams are growing and we need help to coordinate Blasters, non-comp and competition programs and teams.
  • Merchandise Officer - handling orders for club merchandise. Our outgoing merch supremo, Kath, will provide a handover.
  • Girls Cricket coordination -  our girls teams had a fantastic season and we'd like to continue the momentum
  • Senior cricket coordination - helping to coordinate team selections in the Senior competition.

The bar will be open on the night, we encourage and welcome as many members as possible to come along.

Trivia Night 2024

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